Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Weblogic Work Manager Usage

Thread utilization of a weblogic server instance can be controlled by defining rules and constraints 
and  by defining a Work Manger. Work Manager constraints can be applied   either globally to 
WebLogic Server domain or to a specific application component

Need to use work manager for the thread management for the following scenarios.

1. When one application needs to be given a higher priority over another and default fair share is not sufficient.
2. A response time goal is required
3. To avoid server dead lock by configuring minimum thread constraint

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Service Component Architecture (SCA)

Service Component Architecture (SCA) defines a programming model for composite SOA applications. SCA provides a model for the composition of services and for the creation of service components, including the reuse of existing applications within SCA composites. SCA is based on the idea of service composition
aka orchestration.

SCA specification consists of four main elements.

1. Assembly Model Specification -  This model defines how to specify the structure of a composite application.

2. Component Implementation Specification - This specification define how a component is actually written in a particular programming language.

3. Binding Specification - This specification define how the services published by a component can be accessed.

4. Policy Framework Specification - This specification desribes how to add non functional requirements to services.

More information regarding SCA can be found at http://tuscany.apache.org/documentation-2x/sca-introduction.html